is a new and exciting period for Newcastle upon Tyne and for Martins Bank, but
sadly yet another little piece of history is kept alive for us today only by
a poster, a newspaper advert and very
little else. One of the Bank’s
earliest Show and Exhibition branches, the North East Coast Exhibition is
Martins’ chance to show what great customer service there is to come from the
newly expanded bank. Some of the special buildings and park areas built for
the exhibition remain in Newcastle Upon Tyne to this day, but the six months
of the exhibition itself, attended by Martins Bank’s special sub branch only
one year after the Bank shortened its name to Martins Bank Limited, is almost
out of memory for most people alive today.
We would therefore be delighted if anyone has an original programme of
events that refers to Martins Bank’s presence at the Exhibition, that could
be scanned for the purposes of this page. If you can help, please get in
touch with us at the usual address:

The advertising for this major event is like
something from George Orwell’s “1984”, as this lovely colour image
demonstrates. The “ordinary working man”
beckons you to what is also billed as Britain’s Greatest Industrial

Image © National Museum
of Science and Industry Ref: NRM/SSPL
© Northcliffe Media Limited, created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD,
and reproduced with kind permission
of The
British Newspaper Archive
