To move a branch this late
in Martins’ history might suggest that one end of Jesmond Road may now offer
better prospects for bank custom than the other, but in this image, the
clue may well be the large car park and rear entrance (shown here, right)
which is signposted “Martins Bank 89-91 The British Council”. A
quarter-page newspaper advertisement is taken out in the local press,
featuring the “friendly bank manager” and the golden grasshopper only – by
this time the Bank’s use of the Liver Bird has already consigned to the

It is not uncommon in the
mid to late sixties for the Bank to begin moving to smaller and/or more
modern purpose-built premises closer to, or shared with other local
business and shopping facilities.
This is a reflection of the way in which our town centres were
evolving at this time. The Branch at 88/91 Jesmond Road survives the merger
with Barclays and remains open for a total of twenty years. You can meet
the staff of the original branch on our 261 JESMOND ROAD page.

Images © Martins Bank Archive
Advertisement re-mastered March 2021

© Barclays Ref 0030-2007
