The North Eastern Bank opens its branch at 261 Jesmond Road
(an area known as Jesmond Dene) in 1908, and through the familiar run of
amalgamations, the branch falls into the hand of Martins Bank. By 1968 Jesmond branch has seen better
days, and Martins decides to open a more modern office further down Jesmond
Road, but to keep the original Branch on as a sub-Branch. Whilst both offices are taken on by
Barclays, it is 261 Jesmond Road that closes first, in the early 1970s. At the end of November 1960, Mr J A
Sutherland retires after fourteen years at the helm of Jesmond Branch, and a
total of 44 years with the Bank.

In Service: 1908 to 29 June 1973

Image © Barclays Ref 0030-2006
Martins Bank Magazine pays a quick visit to the Branch on
27 November 1958, and has just enough time to look around, and to have tea
upstairs in the Manager’s flat with Mr Sutherland and his wife. We are
grateful to Peter Galley for the street scene photograph . . .

 Jesmond is the long thin branch on the
Jesmond Road. At the moment, the counter is at right angles to the frontage
and when it is eventually turned the other way some badly needed extra space
will result. Here again we saw something we have never previously
encountered—the strong room being part of and entered from the Manager's
private office, of which its door occupied the farther wall. Inspired possibly by the accounts which
have appeared in these pages of some of our exotic Southern branches, the
ceiling of the branch at Jesmond has been painted red, and remarkably
effective it is, far more effective than it sounds. This branch too, is
situated in a neighbourhood which has changed enormously in recent years and
many of the old connections, though still retained, have drifted elsewhere.
It is the kind of branch which has to fight to retain its business as more
fashionable suburbs develop further out.
Mr. J. A. Sutherland, the Manager, took us upstairs for a cup of tea
and we were very pleased to meet his wife in their house over the bank. We
were interested to learn that though at first, they hated living over the
branch on a main road, after being in the comparative quiet of a seaside
town, they are now both completely acclimatised and very happy in their home.
The nearby repertory theatre is one of the attractions of Jesmond, and they
have made many friends in the district.

In the less “politically correct” times of the 1950s and
60s, Mr Sutherland is known – with great affection – as DARKIE, and reference is made to this a number
of times in the following article from Martins Bank Magazine’s Summer 1961

 Mr. Sutherland, affectionately known as
“Darkie”, retired on November 30th after 44 years’ service. Mostly
connected with the Tynemouth area he served at North Shields, Whitley Bay and
at King Street, South Shields, opening Westoe Sub Branch in 1927. Such was
his success that in 1932 he was asked to open Tynemouth branch where he
stayed until 1942 when the Royal Navy claimed his services for the remaining
war years. He served in destroyers, mainly in the North Sea and Atlantic
Approaches. He returned to North Shields, taking up his appointment as
Manager of Jesmond branch in 1946. He also served in the first world war for
a few months at the end of 1918. He was
immensely popular with the staff and customers alike and is held in high
esteem by all. Such was his popularity that over seventy members of the staff
and customers came to give him and Mrs. Sutherland their best wishes at a
gathering at the Liberal Club in Newcastle. In
making the presentation of a wallet and a handsome cheque, Mr. Prest referred
to Mr. Sutherland’s successful, happy career and to his wide popularity. Mr.
W. S. Blaylock, Inspector, N.E. District Office, spoke appreciatively of Mr.
Sutherland’s loyal service to the Bank and also of his own personal
friendship with Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland. Mr. L. J. Walton, District General
Manager, had called earlier to express his best wishes for “Darkie’s” long
and happy retirement. Miss Patricia Gray gave Mrs. Sutherland a bouquet which
was delightfully presented and charmingly received. A little subdued but in his inimitable style, “Darkie”
responded to the many tributes paid to Mrs. Sutherland and himself and spoke
of the happy times he had had in the Bank and of the many sincere friendships

We are grateful to Martins Colleague Paul Thompson for
several contemporary images of North Eastern District Branches. Here is 261 Jesmond Road and you can see further examples on our pages for Newcastle
Wingrove, and Newcastle Market Street…

Image ©
Barclays Ref 0030-2006

Image ©
2015 Paul Thompson
