Branch at 52 Ormonde Street is listed in Kelly’s Directory 1914 as
including the Manager’s Private Residence. Martins’ office there is amongst
those Branches to be closed in the first real consolidation of the Branch
portfolio in 1930. This follows the
rebuilding of 68 Lombard Street London, and the erection of the Bank’s
lavish new Head Office at water Street in Liverpool, which require a
careful look at assets in order to achieve.

We are grateful to Babs
Ludbrook, who contacted the Archive about her Great Grandfather, Mr James
William Chater (pictured, left). He was made Manager at Ormonde Street in
1877 when the branch was part of the banking company, Messrs Dale, Young
and Co., South Shields.

Mr Chater worked for over
forty years as Manager first in Ormonde Street, and later he managed both
here and at Ellison Street up to and beyond the time that Dale Young and Co
was merged with the North Eastern Bank.
