Elland opens
in 1883 and is an original branch of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank, which
merges with the Bank of Liverpool and Martins in 1928. Evidence
of Martins Bank and its history can still be found all over England and
Wales, often through the ornate carvings of the crests or coats of arms of
the various constiuent banks, which have been left behind on buildings that
have long since ceased to be banks. This reminds us of the role they once
played in the life of the local community. Elland remained open until July
2017 and the crest of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank is displayed proudly
in the stonework above the door, more than 120 years after the branch first

In Service: 27 September 1883 until Friday 7 July

Image ca. 1940 © Barclays Ref 0030-0925


Together with its sub branches at Greetland
and Stainland, Elland is visited in an article entitled “SPRING IN THE CALDER VALLEY WAS A
LITTLE LATE THIS YEAR” published in 1966,
by Martins Bank Magazine. They spend several days trekking across an area
of West Yorkshire visiting a network of local branches that actually
belongs to the Bank’s Manchester District.
This is due not least to the complicated series of mergers and
acquisitions that took place in the North of England resulting in Martins
dominence there. We also feature on this page an article about the success
of Miss J Holroyd of Elland Branch, who comes to prominence in the early
sixties, when she swims for the Bank…

Elland was
reached by a bumpy ride along Wakefield Road about which the Halifax
District Council just don’t want to know.
Darting to the right through the smoke over Elland Bridge where
mills and factories crowd both banks of the Calder, one does some
mountaineering by car to find an expanded old village of character which is
now being torn asunder. This seems a
pity even on a cold rainy day but it must rebuild to survive. Like Sowerby Bridge, it is overshadowed
by Halifax only three miles away and blocks of flats are rising to house to
working population.

we say that Elland makes a healthy profit?
The branch looks modern from the public space and oddly
old-fashioned from behind – a crafty bit of cheating – otherwise it has
changed little since 1873, and is soon to be rebuilt.

Image © Martins Bank Archive Collections – Steve Gee


S Wilson the Manager, has already vacated the Bank House and he retires at
the end of June as does his twin Mr J A Eastwood. There is an air of unreality about Elland Branch
drowsing opposite the pub at the end of Southgate yet it is busy enough
coping each day with the modern manufacturing needs of textiles, engineering
and fire extinguishers.

In the swim…

 {The Manchester Banks' Amateur Swimming
Association held its seventh annual gala on September 18th at the Victoria
Baths, Manchester, and for the fifth year in succession the 'Sir Eric
Carpenter' cup was won by the Bank's team which was drawn from the Liverpool
and Manchester Districts. Up to the last two races, Barclays Bank were
leading Martins by five points but our team, by winning both the ladies' and
the men's squadron races in fine style, won the trophy with 22 points and
provided a very exciting finish to the gala.

In the Inter-Banks Events the following members of the team
were successful: Butterfly – Third: Miss H. Holroyd. Free Style - Third: Miss H. Holroyd. In the
Martins Bank Championships Miss H. Holroyd won the Ladies' Free Style Event.}
{In the winter issue of the Magazine
last year we drew attention to the activities of Miss Hazel Holroyd (Elland)
who distinguished herself at the annual gala of the Manchester Banks' Amateur
Swimming Association. We mentioned her performances in some of the
long-distance swimming events, including the Morecambe Cross Bay Swim and the
swim across Lake Bala.

 Now it is our
pleasant duty to congratulate her on winning the Morecambe Cross Bay ten-mile
women's championship on June 17th. She was only six yards in front, thirteen
seconds in terms of time, when she waded out to win the title and trophy from
last year's winner and 25-mile bay champion, Miss Ruth Oldham, a 20-year-old
London University student. Number three was ten minutes behind. Hazel's time for
the crossing was 3 hours, 34 minutes, 47 seconds.

On July 7th she was one of the four women entrants for the
Torbay swim, from Torquay to Brixham and back, a distance of about seven
miles. There were also sixteen male entrants. The water was unusually cold
for the time of the year and eight of the men and two women had to be taken
out because of cold or exhaustion. Miss Holroyd completed the swim and was
the winner in the Women's Section in the time of 5 hours 16 minutes.}

In a slight departure from our usual
“then and now” format, we take a look at several images of the building
that is Martins Bank’s Elland Branch, and a branch of Barclays until 2017.
First of all as it was under the ownership of the Lancashire and Yorkshire
Bank in 1922, then just a few years later in 1940 with Martins Bank at the
helm, and finally the Branch as it was four years after the merger, as a
Branch of Barclays in 1973. The 1922 Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank
lithograph image is shown courtesy of the W N Townson Bequest to Martins
Bank Archive…



Images © Barclays Ref 0030-0925