Ainsdale is one of the more imposing branches of the Bank of
Liverpool and Martins to be situated outside the city, and occupies a
special place in Martins’ history.
It is to Ainsdale Branch iteslf, that Martins Bank’s Staff Department is relocated from
4 Water Street Liverpool during the Second World War, and from here that
the wartime staff newsletters that will pave the way for the establishment
of Martins Bank Magazine are issued.

In the 1960s Ainsdale is one of several
offices of Martins Bank in the Southport area, and as in so many other
parts of Northern England, you really don’t have to look too far for a

In service: 20 December 1926 until 23 March 2012

Image © Barclays Ref

Surviving the first decade of the
twenty-first century, the business of the branch transfers in 2012 to
nearby Birkdale Branch, which is itself closed in June 2015. Back in July 1965, it is the turn of Mr
Joe Roscoe, Manager of Ainsdale since 1946, to hang up his bank tie – his
retirement is covered as usual by a report in Martins Bank Magazine…

 Joe Roscoe retired in July after forty-three and a half years’ service,
the last nineteen of which had been spent as Manager of Ainsdale Branch
where on his last day he and his wife provided refreshments for nearly
fifty banking friends and colleagues.
Before presenting him with a cheque from many subscribers, Mr I
Buchanan spoke warmly of the respect and affection felt for this true son
of lancashire, whose success as a branch manager was explained very simply
by the fact that he liked helping people.
Under his management the Branch had prospered and had also become
something of an enquiry agency for Formby asparagus, horticultural
problems, and even broody hens. In
particular Joe Roscoe’s success locally and nationally as an exhibitor and
grower of roses – and lately in judging – was well known and as a Council
member of the National Rose Society he had brought honour to himself and
indirectly to the Bank. Thanking Mr
Buchanan and all his friends for the expressions of goodwill, Mr Roscoe
said that with their gift he would buy a new greenhouse and devote much of
his time to growing and hybridisation of roses. Mr Roscoe entered the Bank at Custom
House Branch in 1922 and all his banking service which included six years
in Head Office Staff Department was spent in the Liverpool District.


Image © Barclays Ref

Image © 2012 Google

Ray Creer, promoted to Manager of
Ainsdale, seen here serving his mother at the counter in 1965.
Image © Martins Bank Archive collections - Beryl Creer

Keeping it in “the

We were delighted to be contacted by Pat Poulton, who as
Pat Williams, spent just about all of her Martins Bank career at Ainsdale
Branch. We often hear
from Martins Staff about the unique family atmosphere engendered by the Bank,
and this is fondly remembered by Pat who has kindly provided us with her
memories of life at Martins. Shortly
after the merger, Pat gets married and is “given away” by Mr Roscoe, Manager
of Ainsdale Branch until 1965. You
will see them both below in photographs recalling the happy occasion, and
also hear about the other staff that Pat remembers fondly, and in some cases,
is still in touch with today…

was delighted to read the article on the website regarding Ainsdale Branch as
I spent most of my Banking Career working there with Joe Roscoe and latterly
Ray Creer. One of the many memories I
have prior to Ainsdale Branch was the day I went to Martins Bank in Water
Street Liverpool for my interview - this was with Mr. M. Conacher (the Chief
General Manager). To say that I was
nervous would be an understatement but all went well and I started at
Blundellsands Branch. The manager was Mr. W. Frost - other members of the
staff Ken Bonney, Bill Simpson Maureen Moakes and Eileen Brown. I was there
for about 12 months and then transferred to Ainsdale where I remained until I
left to get married - more of that later. As already said in the article Joe was highly thought of
both by staff and our customers - the Branch was home from home - Sandy
(Joe's spaniel) sometimes came into work and spent the day in front of the
fire apart from the odd walk.

Joe was of course well known for his
Rose growing and we were lucky enough to have a garden in front of the Branch
which was looked after by one of the station porters. Joe's spare rose bushes
found their way into our garden. Many staff names are still remembered -
Keith Scott, Pam Scott (nee Webster) Keith Nuthall, David Moore, Don Gregson
to name a few. Pat Hart (now Hamza) was a frequent visitor as relief staff -
we are still close friends - she has an entry on your website. Your article mentions the day Joe retired. I was of
course a member of staff then and it was such a pleasure to share in a
memorabl , slightly sad day. Joe and his wife Betty were a lovely couple,
devoted to each other and their son Gareth. I was delighted when Joe agreed
to give me away when my husband Derek and I married. I then worked for a few
years with our new manager Mr. Raymond Creer lovely to see the photos of him
serving his mother who I also remember. I still keep in touch with his wife
Mrs Beryl Creer at Christmas. It was she
who brought the website to my attention. As anyone reading this article will
have guessed by now my years with Martins Bank were very happy ones - except
when we were having full inspections… }
