the conclusion in my Leaving Report dated 26th July 1957, by my
Headmaster, Mr. Prothero, , declared that “Alan should do well when he has
settled into the post he obtains”. I was therefore, surprised to receive a
letter dated 12th July 1957 from the London District
Superintendent of Martins Bank Limited, Mr F C Harding, advising me that my
application to join the staff of the Bank had been accepted. Starting salary
was £265 per annum plus a London allowance of £60(!) and a six month’s
probation period would apply.
suspect that most people have a feeling of where they see themselves starting
out in the world. When at school I always had an image of myself sitting
behind a desk!! For some weeks after starting in Martins Bank I recall
logging cleared Travellers Cheques or issuing new batches to the various
branches of the Bank. I should at this point refer to my GCE results which I
received in September 1957, and which I was obliged to declare to Mr Melvin.
The results of seven (7) GCE failures resulted in a presumption that my
probation would end and that I would be shown the door. I clearly recall my meeting with the Staff
Manager and I remember my fears and anxiety at announcing to him my results.
He looked at me and said, ‘Don’t worry Prime, carry on’. And so began my University of Life. I
promised myself that I would prove that I was worthy of being a member of
Martins Bank Limited.
the social side, I became a member of Martins Bank Chess Club and I played
for the Bank in the London Interbank Chess League. I also played in the
Branches, men’s Table Tennis Team.
Adjacent to the Post Room was an area for three shorthand typist desks
and some ladies names recalled during my time there were: Helen Machin, June
Francis (who I later married in 1964) and June Snowden? Following
my time in the Post Room, I was transferred to Collections Department on the
first floor. Here, Mr Lionel Jowett was the supervisor of the department with
Mr Donald Snowden. This department (among other functions) dealt with the
delivery of proceeds from cheques drawn in overseas currency. I think at this
time I may have been aged 19 or 20 (1960 / 1961). In addition to Mr Melvin,
the Staff Manager, Mr Lionel Jowett became extremely helpful and from both
these gentlemen I learned much of manners and the man. Indeed on my 21st
Birthday 25th February 1962, Lionel Jowett gifted to me my first
bowler hat which had been specifically measured for me by his Hatters.).
These two officers of the Bank had a dramatic influence on my journey. Upon
joining the Bank in 1957 I confess that I had no appetite for studying for
the AIB examinations, possibly as a result of my dismal failures in the GCE
some years earlier. But then, with the help of The Rapid Results College and
attendance at the Institute OB at 10 Lombard Street, between September 1962
and April 1963, I passed Part 1 of the Institute Examinations for which I
recall I received a cheque for £30. My records show that I passed Monetary
Theory and Practice in April 1964; Accountancy (Distinction) in September
1965 and Finance of Foreign Trade September 1967.
Bruckin retired shortly after and Mr Wilson was promoted to Management. Mr
Dean and Mr Squirrell then led the Dealing Department and my friend Norman
Penty then also joined from within Chief Overseas. I became a member of the
Dealing Room in 1963. Dixie Dean left and I believe went back to Liverpool
Overseas and Stuart Squirrell then became Chief Dealer. Norman left the
department in 1964 and I became Assistant Chief Dealer to Mr Squirrell. Neville
Fobister came down from the Liverpool Dealing Room and Tony Allwright also
became the fourth member. Dealing room activity involved control of the
Bank’s overseas Currency accounts together with the Sterling accounts of
overseas banks with Martins Bank. We applied rates of exchange to the various
payment forms coming in from the Foreign Exchange Department and also
responded to requests from Corporate Customers calling in for quotations. We
dealt with incoming currency payments; and also traded in the Interbank
Market in Foreign Exchange. This last activity was conducted directly with
overseas banks via a telex or by telephone and also with the London banks via
Foreign Exchange Brokers of the Day with which the Dealing Room had direct
telephone lines and immediate contact via a Dealing Board with 36 direct
lines. These lines were in addition to the 8 telephones which sat on a shelf
above the Dealers Table which provided internal and external access to / by
the Dealers. |
This is me at the Dealing Desk in 1963/1964.
Immediately behind me is the telex machine used for overseas communication
for trading with other Banks in Europe.
The two pads in front of me carry:
(a) the spot currency prices and (b) the
forward currency prices. Just to my right can be seen part of the 36
direct line dealing board. |
© 1963 Alan R Prime The
four members of the Dealing Room sat at a rectangular desk with one Dealer at
each side. The Foreign Exchange Brokers through which our trading business
was conducted included the names of Charles Fulton; Quin Cope; Astley &
Pearce; Woellwarth & Co; and M W Marshall. It was while trading directly
with banks in France from the Dealing Room that I learned to speak French (at
least sufficiently to complete FX transactions). During my time in the
Dealing Room, I became an International member of the FOREX Club. This club
had a membership made up from other London Bank FX Dealers together with
members of the Broking fraternity. The club members would meet at Plantation
House in Mincing Lane on a monthly basis and it was usual to have a guest
speaker from the world of politics / banking / commerce or industry.
is life. My eight years with Martins Bank I have always considered the most
enjoyable, happiest and fruitful of my time. I continued into the Banking
world after my time with Charles Fulton (where I became a Director), and
after a short spell with a Canadian Investment House, I completed my Banking
Career with the HSBC Group as an adviser in the Global Capital Markets area. For
my birthday in 2013, my two adult children gave to me some Martins Bank
memorabilia which included a Martins Bank Share Certificate; the last
pre-decimal coin collection; some bags for coins (ten shillings worth of
threepenny pieces and five shillings worth of copper) and also three
Magazines from 1965 and 1966. These gifts led me to finding the Martins Bank
website which I consider provides an amazing study and record of Banking from
an era when the Traders motto of ‘My Word Is My Bond’ sincerely reflected truth
and trust. I am saddened to read of so many old colleagues who have since
passed on. |