Martins Bank Archive is
pleased to announce completion of the first phase of the Martins Bank Staff
Database. As shown in the table below,
Career Records are now available for more than 24,750 members of the staff
and directorate. The total information
recorded runs to more than 120,000 lines of information and 1.1
million individual pieces of information.
Thanks to the meticulous
records kept by the Bank in Martins Bank Magazine and other sources of
information held by Martins Bank Archive, the Database includes a very wide
selection of career events as they apply to various individual members of the
staff. For almost all of those who
joined the service on or after 1 Jan 1946, a full career record is available.
Some records relate to staff who joined one of Martins’ constituent banks,
including Martin’s Private Bank, The Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank, and the
Carlisle and Cumberland Bank. The
following list of career events is typical of the information recorded, but
this list is by no means exhaustive:
Each record also
indicates whether or not a photograph of a particular member of staff exists
in Martins Bank Archive. If you have a
photograph of yourself from 1969 or earlier, the Archive will be pleased to
arrange to take a copy to store in the Database and to display on each page
of the Archive web site for the branches and departments at which you worked.
First and foremost, the Martins
Bank Staff Database is a document of Social History – It is therefore
important that surviving members of Martins Bank Staff have the opportunity
to be able access their records, and to add any extra details that may not
have been recorded by the Bank in its published records. For example, forenames are not recorded for
the majority of staff, and details of service at SUB BRANCHES is very sparse. The database is built from
published records that have been in the public domain for more than 55 and up
to 125 years. We are also grateful to
many members of the Grasshopper Pensioners’ Club who have already contributed
images and extra details about their time with the Bank to us, and the
Archive also has a large number of donated personal collections which include
letters, photographs, and other information that enhances the records of many
individuals in the database. We are delighted that we have been able to use
the Staff Database to help the Grasshopper Pensioners’ Club identify the
career details of a number of staff, and for their surviving partners to
claim pensions that are owed to them.
A separate Staff Database exists for the staff of Lewis’s Bank Limited
for the period 1958 to 1967 and, once again, we are grateful for
contributions from a number of Lewis’s Bank’s former staff, of images and
details which have not only helped build the database, but also enhance the
Lewis’s Bank Archive Web Site. All enquiries must be made by email: martinsbankarchive@btinternet.com MARTINS BANK STAFF DATABASE General Data Protection Regulation –
use of data policy The Martins Bank Staff
Database uses data that has existed in the public domain for at least
fifty-five years. This data is purely subjective
and does not include opinion, comment or other forms of objective data. Martins Bank Archive does
NOT buy or sell your data. All records are stored
offline, and cannot be accessed or obtained remotely via the Internet. Our Use of Data Policy
applies as follows: 1. Data held on behalf of DECEASED persons are not covered by G D P R rules, and can be requested by any interested
party for the purposes of historical research. You must however give us
permission to store your contact details and emails as described in points 2
and 3 below. 2. SURVIVING former staff (and/or their
descendants) who wish to access their data for the first time are required to
provide Martins Bank Archive with permission to hold and store their email
address and relevant emails in our computer system. This is in the knowledge that we will not
pass on any details to a third party without the express written consent of
the member of staff concerned. 3. Descendants of DECEASED staff, and other interested parties such as those undertaking research
for historical project or family tree purposes, must also provide us with
permission to hold and store their email address and relevant emails in our
computer system. This is in the
knowledge that we will not pass on any details to a third party without the
express written consent of the member of staff concerned. 4. You may ask at any time for your email address and
any emails you have sent to us to be removed from our system. If you later require further information
from us, you will need to provide new permissions for us to hold and store
your email address and emails, and deal with your request. |