Start as you mean to go on…
This is an excellent start for Martins Bank Magazine - its
willingness to tackle head on the issues of the day, from returning soldiers
in 1946, to conquering the staff’s fear of new technology in the 1960s is
what makes it such a fantactic historical record – reflecting each of the
decades in which it appears in such a way as to show life both inside and
outside the world of banking. Our good friend Michael Brown, who is of the third
generation of his family to work for Martins Bank, reminded us of the
importance of the army of wartime lady managers, clerks in charge and
cashiers. He wrote:
struck me then the huge impact the war had had on the staffing of the Bank.
In the four quarterly editions of the magazine issued in 1946 a total of 1156
men were listed as reporting back from H.M.Forces. Of these half had been taken out of Liverpool and
Manchester Districts and 227 from London. To maintain a banking service women
were recruited and comment is made via our magazine of the valuable role
these ladies played to keep the wheels turning. Special articles were written
in the magazine and whilst quite a
number of photographs were shown, it was stated that to pay a proper tribute
to the ladies no less than 1500 photos
would have had to be shown! Today there are more women than men in the Bank
which is a vast transformation from years gone by. How things change”… Secret Army As more and more of the Bank’s male staff are
called up for active duty, their places are taken by an army of women, many
of whom have both war duties AND home responsibilities. In the Winter of 1946 and the Spring of
1947, Martins Bank Magazine presents three galleries as a tribute to the
women who have kept the Bank going in the dark days of World War two. Around forty images are published across
the three articles, and we have reproduced just twelve of them here. Bear in mind as you read on, the times in
which these words were written, the social and working status of women –
quite different to today - and the
undoubted sincerity with which this
tribute was originally made… Gentlemen:
- The Ladies
It is altogether fitting that we should
pay tribute to them at this time when their special responsibilities are
coming to an end. And so, we are letting
you see what manner of “men” they are. Addressing ourselves more especially
to our colleagues who joined the forces we want to show you the photographs
of the ladies who did your jobs while you were away. And just as we all faced
the same dangers and stood equal in the face of the fire and steel of the
enemy, without thought of precedence or position, so do we introduce these
ladies to you. We have observed no sort of order in choosing the first
selection and it is our intention that no one who performed special duties
shall be left out, whether their work gave them the responsibility of
managing a small branch or of performing special duties in some other
The example they have set is indeed a
shining one. Gentlemen, in this and the
past two issues we have endeavoured to pay a worthy tribute to the girls who
“held the fort” while you were away on active service. We lay down our
pen with the feeling of having performed our task very inadequately. For one
thing, to have done the job thoroughly it would have been necessary to have
published about 1,500 photographs instead of under 40 ; but the few we have
selected must be regarded as representative of them all. They were chosen
because they shouldered responsibility of a special nature which would never
have fallen to their lot in peace-time, but we are very conscious that their
service was no more meritorious than that of other girls who kept the system
running by faithful daily attendance, despite air raids, destroyed homes,
illness and shopping difficulties. The tribute is to the lady members of our
war-time staff as a whole, and these front-line girls have been chosen to
receive it on behalf of all of you. Let us then honour them. Gentlemen – “The Ladies” To
them we say: -
“You did a grand job. We are proud of you. We salute you”.