Martins Bank Players (North Eastern) stage a wide range of ambitious
productions over the years, allowing several Martins Bank Staff to blossom in
the world of acting, and to make names for themselves as seasoned
performers. Of TWENTY-TWO productions staged between 1936 and 1968, there are just TWO for which the Archive has no detail other than the date and name of
production. The last offering from the
North Eastern Players is the oddly titled “Goodnight, Mrs Puffin” – apt
perhaps as a farewell performance! We were somewhat astounded to discover,
that whilst those plays covered by Martins Bank Magazine were usually
generously illustrated with on stage production photos, the article
describing “Goodnight, Mrs Puffin” has no images whatsoever. We have
therefore added photos of some of the staff who took part in this production,
using either their staff database records or images captured from previous
productions in which these people performed.