After having been a member for forty-seven
Martins Bank divided Europe into
region of up to four countries, and then produced a Pocket Guide that was
tailored to each of these regions. By 1969 the leaflets had the same unform
“in house” style of presentation as other product and services leaflets
published by Martins’ Advertising department.
How the Common Market started In 1946, when much of Europe was in ruins and people were
still bitter after years of war. Sir Winston Churchill made a speech calling
for “an act of oblivion against all the follies and crimes of the past”, and
advocating some form of union in Europe. The idea caught on. In 1948 eighteen
countries formed the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation
(O.E.E.C.). This was so successful that in 1951 six of these countries agreed
to further co-operation by co-ordinating their basic industries—coal and
steel—and formed the European Coal and Steel Community (E.C.S.C.). The
experience they gained from this was so encouraging that an association with
much wider implications was proposed, and as a result the European Common
Market—officially called the European Economic Community (E.E.C.)—was set up
by the signing of the Treaty of Rome in March, 1957. What is the Common Market ? It is the group formed by Belgium, France, Holland, Italy,
Luxembourg and West Germany (sometimes known as “the Six”) who have agreed to
abolish, by stages over several years, all Customs duties and restrictions on
trade between each other. Duties will still be charged on imports from
outside the area: these will be co-ordinated into a single Customs structure
common to all the six countries. To strengthen the association there are to
be common policies for agriculture, transport, labour, social services,
capital and finance. What will be the effect of this ? The provisions of the Treaty will create complete freedom for
trade and commerce throughout the area. Eventually there will be one huge
market, enjoying economies of large-scale production and sales. The
co-ordination of economic and social policies within the Common Market will
create uniformity of business conditions in each country. Anyone in the
Common Market will be free to set up and carry-on business in any part of the
area, while within the Community any person will be free to seek employment
anywhere, he wishes. Co-operation amongst the Common Market countries will be
far-reaching. Joint industrial enterprises are already being planned; other joint
ventures—in education and research, public works, taxation, currency
reform—are already under discussion. Many people foresee an inevitable
movement towards political union in Europe. What are the advantages of the Common Market
? Already living standards in the six countries arc rising
rapidly. A dynamic spirit is apparent, industrial output is expanding, and
trade is increasing. A rich and powerful community is being created, whose
industries arc highly competitive both at home and in world markets. Although
Europe has always been split up into a number of states, the influence of its
civilisation dominates the whole modern world. Unified, Europe could assume the
economic and political leadership which is now vital for the survival of
civilisation. How would the Common Market affect Britain
if we did not join ? A large proportion of Britain’s exports go to Europe, but when
tariffs between the countries of the Six disappear the huge market will
enable their own industries to produce more efficiently and cheaply and to
develop along new lines. British industry would then be at a great
disadvantage, not just in Europe but in competition with Common Market goods
all over the world. Overseas business and investment would tend to be
attracted to the progressive Common Market in preference to the United
Kingdom. Indeed, some people believe that unless she joins the Common Market
Britain will become a relatively backward country in a few years. What would happen if Britain joined the
Common Market ? Provided British industry met the challenge by successful
competition in Continental markets and in the British home market, this
country could enjoy a full share of the prosperity of the Community if she
were to join. Why did Britain not join in the first place
? For
three important reasons Britain has until now felt unable to join the Common
Market. First, there is the effect on the Commonwealth countries, many of
whom are dependent on the preferential market which Britain provides for
their trade, and on the whole financial and commercial structure of the
Commonwealth. These seem to be incompatible with Britain’s unconditional
membership of the Common Market. In the second place, Britain’s system of
agricultural subsidies cannot be reconciled with the Continental system,
which will presumably form the basis of the Common Market’s proposed
agricultural policy. In the third place, Britain is a member of the European
Free Trade Association (E.F.T.A.)—known as “the Seven”. The rules of this organisation arc not altogether compatible
with those of the Common Market. In addition, Britain's reluctance to join
the Common Market has undoubtedly been reinforced by the traditionally
insular outlook of the British people. What is the present
position ? After lengthy controversy, Britain has now officially started
negotiating to join the Common Market. The difficulties over the
Commonwealth, E.F.T.A., and agriculture, will be discussed during these
negotiations. How will membership of
the Common Market affect Britain ? Many industries in Britain are highly efficient and will be
well-placed to compete in the new market; some others will have to overcome
severe competition from Continental producers; while some may well have to
meet serious difficulties through competition from Continental manufacturers. Our balance of payments may initially come under pressure, as
restrictions on imports of goods from the Continent are removed. All sections
of the community must become conscious of the necessity to eliminate
inefficiency and high costs, which will tend to divert business to the
Continent. In time, it may become necessary to accept nationals of European
countries into employment in British industry. Among many other changes which
will take place will be the universal adoption of the principle of equal pay
for men and women. Nevertheless, all these changes will be made gradually, so
that the country will have time to adapt itself to the new conditions. How
Britain fares in the Common Market will depend on how effectively this
adaptation takes place. Countries of the
European Common Market (“The Six”)
In addition, Greece has been granted a form of associate
membership. Countries of the
European Free Trade Association (“The Seven”)
Finland is also a member on special terms. Populations:
The population of the Common Market countries, together with
those countries now considering joining, is 231 millions. National Incomes (total values of all goods and services produced).
For the Common Market together with countries now considering
joining, the figure is 112. Index of the volume of
industrial production (1952=100).
The items shown below are not part of the Common market
Leaflet but they do illustrate some of the services and advertisments offered
or produced by the Bank for the traveller… 18 June 1920 Bank of Liverpool and
Martins Ltd Manchester Foreign Branch
opens 1920s – Leather Wallet, Bank of Liverpool and
Martins Ltd. For
letters of credit, currency and personal papers 1930 – Martins Bank Ltd Advertisement for Foreign
Services 1939 – Martins Bank Ltd Pre-War Advertisement:
Foreign Trade 1945 – Martins Bank Ltd Post War Advertisement: for
Foreign Trade 1960s – Martins Bank Ltd Leaflet: Money for Travel 0 1968 – Martins Bank Ltd Martinplanning Means a
Gorgeous Holiday |
Ultimately, on 1 January 1973, Britain DID join the
European Economic Community. This came too late for Martins Bank, whose
merger with Barclays had been over and done at least four years before
that. At least we can say that Martins
was discussing Europe as early as 1960, and that with its dedicated Foreign
branches offering every kind of assistance to those who traded with Europe,
as well as those who went there on holiday, the Bank certainly played its