By 1968, the prospect of Martins merging with Lloyds and Barclays
dominated proceedings, until the Monopolies Commission recommended against a
three-way merger. It was suggested that there would be no objection to a
merger with ONE other
bank, and no time was wasted on the planned marriage of Barclays and
Martins. For the purposes of sharing
information during various merger talks, Martins produced a detailed
information sheet to explain just how and why Martins Bank (Finance) Limited
was brought into existence… |
company commenced business on 1st April
1967. The Board meets monthly in
London, the members being – Sir Cuthbert Clegg (Chairman)
(Also, chairman of parent company) E. P. Jaggard (and General Manager) J. H. Keswick (a Deputy Chairman of the parent company
and Chairman of the London Board of the parent company) D. O. Maxwell (Director and Chief General Manager of the
parent company) H . Taylor (a Joint General Manager of the parent
company) W. E. Turnbull (Local Director and District General
Manager, London, of the parent company) L. J. Walton (London Local Director and Deputy Chief
General Manager of the parent company). 2 . Functions and Responsibilities. The
finance company operates within the framework of a policy approved by the
General Board of the bank to whom any new activities, involving matters of
principle, would be referred. Its activities are generally directed towards
the provision of specialised financial services for customers of Martins Bank
Limited and for others, especially in the medium-term field. It handles - (a) Sterling deposits at Market
Rates : minimum £50,000 for a minimum period of one month. (b) Sterling loans (subject to any
credit restrictions):
(i) on-lending to Martins Bank Limited
(ii) Medium term fixed loans for periods up to 5 years.
(iii) exceptionally, the placing of funds with local authorities, hire
purchase houses and in the inter-bank market.
(iv) participation in syndicated sterling loans or credit lines. (c)
Foreign currency deposits are accepted and employed in the granting of loans
to customers of the parent company and others. The company participates in
the Euro-dollar markets both in the United Kingdom and
abroad within a global limit approved by the General Board of the parent
company. 3. Organisation. The
Director and General Manager of the finance company, who is stationed in
London, is responsible on a day-to-day basis to the Deputy Chief General
Manager of the bank, who is also a member of the finance company board. He
has a discretionary power to grant advances jointly with any one other
executive director up to £100,000. The directors of the company who are
members of the London General Management of the parent company have a
discretionary power up to £200,000, either jointly or with the director and
general manager of the finance company. All applications for facilities over
£100,000 are reported on a day-to-day basis to the Head Office of the parent
company and are submitted to the Standing Committee by a Joint General
Manager. In
the day-to-day running of the company, the Director and General Manager is
assisted by one male member of staff and one lady secretary. Sterling money
market operations are handled partly by the finance company's own staff and
partly by the appropriate department at 68 Lombard Street Office, while
Euro-currency operations are carried out by the Chief Overseas Branch. All
bookkeeping services are provided by the appropriate departments of the
parent company. The Director and General Manager maintains direct liaison
with the District General Managers in respect of sterling deposits emanating
from the bank's customers. Additionally,
the Director and General Manager is the group's representative on the
Financial Committee of Compagnie Internationale de Credit a Moyen Terme S.A.
in which the parent company has an interest and to whom the finance company
has granted a stand-by line of credit. |