1968: “A member of the Barclays Group”…

rather curious thing happens between the two official merger dates of 1
November 1968 and 12 December 1969 – Martins still exists under its own name albeit as
“A member of the Barclays Group of Companies”. The press is provided with a
number of advertisements such as “The Eagle and the Grasshopper – a Fable”
and “The End of the Beginning” which are designed specifically to soften up
those who might still oppose the takeover of Martins. Despite all that, for
one last time Martins is allowed its own branded customer leaflet campaign,
designed to promote just about every product that Martins can still sell at
this time.



“Everyone Needs a Bank
Account” is one of these - a glossy 26 page brochure, which is reproduced
here, and evokes perfectly in words and pictures this optimistic – but
sadly short-lived – period in the late 1960s. Look out for the major plug for American
Express Cards which is another surprise from Martins – Barclaycard is well
established at this time, and has even been marketed on television in
Scotland to customers of another Barclays subsidiary – The British Linen
Bank. (You can read more about this and watch the TV ad on our YouTube®
Channel by clicking on ‘Bankers Card’ above).

The special arrangement
with American Express to charge Martins Bank customers a lower
subscription, might at first seem to be biting the hand that feeds –
Barclaycard’s exponential growth in its few short years of life will soon
make it the dominant UK credit card, proving that Barclays has its eagle
eye on the bigger picture…

How a bank account can help you
Current Accounts are
the most common and widely used kind of bank account A Current Account can
be opened with only a pound or two and enables you to pay in money you
receive, draw cash on demand whenever you require it, pay your outgoings by
cheque, and
make use of the Bank's other money transfer
services as well.
For example, you can pay in
your salary or wages, or have them paid in direct by your employer, and you
can pay in other cash, cheques, postal orders or dividends you may receive.
insurance premiums, hire purchase instalments, rent rates and other
outgoings can be paid by cheque or by the Bank's money transfer services.
If you are a housewife, you can pay in your housekeeping allowance and
settle your accounts at the shops by cheque. Your 'paid' cheques—those
which have passed through the banking system and have been returned to your
branch—are available if you wish to retain them and can be used as proof of


Two or more people can share a bank account by opening a
'joint account'. A husband and wife may find a joint account convenient as
arrangements can be made for either of them to draw cheques independently. The Bank keeps a record—called a Statement-showing the
amounts paid in and drawn out and the current balance in your account Your
Statement is readily available to you; you can ask for it to be sent to you
at any time or the Bank will send it to you at regular intervals if you
Deposit Accounts are generally used for
keeping money which is surplus to your immediate needs, or for your regular
savings, or when you have no need of a cheque book. Money in a Deposit
Account earns interest the rate varying with general interest rates,
Technically, money in a Deposit Account is placed 'on deposit' for a
minimum of seven days, but it is usually possible to withdraw sums without
notice by foregoing seven days' interest.
Savings Accounts combine the benefits of
Current and Deposit Accounts. You can open a Savings Account with as little
as 1 s. and interest is paid on your money. Interest is fixed at 4£% on the
first £250: on amounts over £250 the rate is the same as on a Deposit
Account. With a Savings Account you do not have a cheque book. Instead you
are given a savings book and, if you wish, a special money box to help you
save money at home. You can pay money into your Savings Account, or
withdraw money from it, by taking your book to any branch of Martins Bank.


At branches other than your own, withdrawals are limited to a
maximum of £20 at a time, unless previous arrangements are made for larger
sums to be available
Grasshopper Savings
Accounts for Children
are designed to encourage children to save. When a Grasshopper
Savings Account is opened —the initial deposit can be as little as 1 s.—
the child is given an attractive money box in the shape of a grasshopper, a
colourful savings book, and a special paying-in and withdrawal book. The
child also receives a gilt grasshopper lapel badge. This scheme is run on proper banking lines. Children
aged seven and over can open their own account: for those under seven the
account is opened by a parent or guardian. The rates of interest and
withdrawal arrangements are the same as for ordinary Savings Accounts, but
if the child is under seven the parent or guardian signs the withdrawal
Opening an account
Opening a bank account is a straightforward affair. Simply
call at your nearest branch of Martins and explain that you wish to open an
account: any member of the staff will be pleased to discuss which types of
account will suit your needs and to make the necessary arrangements for
A word about charges
People sometimes think that it will cost them a lot of money to
have a bank account. This certainly isn't so at Martins, where charges are
kept to a minimum. Because of widely differing circumstances it is not
possible to indicate here what the cost would be, but the Manager will be
pleased at any time to discuss the likely charges in your own particular
Money transfer Services
The 'Money Mark' is the
symbol of the banks' money transfer services, it stands for a range of
services based on years of experience and which, with the increasing use of
computers, will offer the speediest possible money transfer…
From the time when the early bankers began using a London
coffee house in which to exchange or 'clear' cheques drawn on each other,
the 'Clearing Banks', as they became known, have provided their customers
with an efficient means of paying and receiving money without the need to
use cash. But the money transfer needs of today's sophisticated society
cannot be satisfied by the cheque alone. Consequently, the banks have
developed other methods for money transfer, now known as Bank Giro. 'Giro',
which is derived from the Greek, is a short, convenient word widely used on
the continent to describe the circulation of money.
From the time when the early bankers began using a London
coffee house in which to exchange or 'clear' cheques drawn on each other,
the 'Clearing Banks', as they became known, have provided their customers
with an efficient means of paying and receiving money without the need to
use cash. But the money transfer
needs of today's sophisticated society cannot be satisfied by the cheque
alone. Consequently, the banks have developed other methods for money
transfer, now known as Bank Giro. 'Giro', which is derived from the Greek,
is a short, convenient word widely used on the continent to describe the
circulation of money.
Bank Giro Credits
Bank Giro credits (formerly known as credit transfers) are a
convenient means of paying money direct to the bank account of any person
or business. By using the Bank Giro credit form, several payments can be
made at one time with a single cheque, saving the cost of cheques and
postage. Payments by Bank Giro credits are free to customers of the Bank.
Standing Orders
Regular outgoings, such as insurance premiums, rent hire
purchase instalments and similar items can be paid with a minimum of
trouble by means of Standing Orders. These authorise the Bank to make
regular payments on your behalf automatically, saving you the trouble of
remembering when payments fall due and avoiding the need to write and post


A Direct Debit is like a Standing Order in reverse. With your
agreement, the company or undertaking to which you are due to make regular
payments claims the amount from your account on the due dates. By this
system periodic bills of variable amounts, which could not be paid by
Standing Order, can be settled without any action on your part,
As well as providing the basic facilities outlined so far,
Martins Bank provides many other useful services for its customers. These
are described in the following pages; if you would like any of the services
explained to you in more detail, your local branch will be very pleased to help you.


If you are away from home on holiday or business, arrangements
can be made for you to cash cheques at any branch of Martins or at any
other convenient bank anywhere in this country or abroad. Martins Bank
travellers' cheques, which can be used both abroad and in this country,
provide a safe, convenient means of carrying money.
They are exchangeable for cash at banks and are accepted in
most hotels, large stores, airports and bureaux de change. For your
overseas travel the Bank can supply foreign currency. They will also advise
on United Kingdom Currency regulations and on any regulations which may
apply in the countries you plan to visit.
Payments to and from overseas countries
If you need to send money abroad, or if you receive money from
overseas, the Bank can make all the necessary arrangements, including
applying for Bank of England permission on your behalf where necessary.
Supplying a reference
As a customer of the Bank you can use the Bank's name as a
reference—a useful facility when opening a shopping or credit account for
Bankers Card
Customers of Martins Bank can apply for a Bankers Card, which
enables them to draw up to £30 in cash on demand at any of more than 12,000
branches of Martins and other banks throughout the country which operate
similar schemes. The Card offers a guarantee of payment to a shopkeeper or
other person who accepts your cheque for up to £30 on production of your
Card. This is an extremely valuable facility when you are shopping,
travelling, or on holiday, and wish to pay by cheque.
American Express Credit Cards
Through Martins Bank you can apply for an American Express
Sterling Credit Card which enables you to obtain goods and services from
many airlines, hotels, restaurants and shops without using cash. You show
your card and sign the bill—then, when you receive your monthly statement
from American Express, you send a cheque to them in settlement. There are
advantages in applying for your American Express Sterling Credit Card
through Martins Bank: - Your manager may be able to dispense with the
formality of taking references and so speed up the issue of your Card; and
in the first year Martins gives you a rebate of £1 from the normal annual
subscription of four guineas.
Financial help
At one time or another most people need financial assistance
and there are many ways in which Martins Bank can help. Your Manager will
always be glad to consider granting an overdraft or loan in appropriate
circumstances or to discuss other means of financing your requirements.
Personal Loans
A Martins Bank Personal Loan is a convenient, simple and
inexpensive way of raising money for various important items of
expenditure. Loans are available in suitable cases to pay for items such as
a car, new furniture, household appliances, insurance premiums, and
similar requirements.

The fixed interest rate and regular equal monthly repayments make
budgeting easier, and interest on personal loans is allowable against
income tax. Any outstanding balance is automatically cancelled if you
should die before the loan is repaid and there are special arrangements if
you are unable to work because of illness or accident. The provision of Personal Loans may, from
time to time, be restricted or prevented by Government measures to control
the national economy.

Income Tax
Martins Bank Trust Company, a subsidiary of the Bank, has a
special Income Tax Division to help customers with their Income Tax and
Surtax problems.
With the growing complexity of tax law, more and more people
are finding it worthwhile to make use of the Company's experience in this
field, and in many cases the modest charge made is more than offset by tax
recovered for the customer.
Looking after investments
If you do not have the time you would wish to devote to
looking after your investments, or if, perhaps, you feel the need for
skilled advice about their management Martins can help you through the
Trustee and Investment Division of Martins Bank Trust Company. The investments remain your own property
and the Company manages them in accordance with your particular wishes. Generally, recommendations regarding
investments are submitted for your approval, but if you wish the Company
will manage investments in accordance with wider terms of reference. In addition the Company will undertake
the collection of dividends, deal with 'rights* issues and attend to all
necessary documentation in relation to your investments.
Martins Unicorn Group of Unit Trusts
Unit trusts enable you to invest in a large number of public
companies without the bother of the many separate transactions needed to
acquire the stocks and shares.
You can buy units of the Martins Unicorn Group of Unit Trusts
at any branch of Martins and your Manager will help you to select the Trust
best suited to your investment needs.
You do not need a large amount of money to invest in Martins
Unicorn Trusts. There is a savings plan to enable you to buy units month by
month, and Martins Unicorn Bonds, in units of £20, provide a simple and convenient
way of investing in the Martins Unicorn Trust of your choice.
Wills and Trusts
You can deposit your Will for safe-keeping with the Bank, and
Martins Bank Trust Company will act as Executor or Trustee if desired,
There are many advantages in appointing the Trust Company as Executor
under your Will, either alone or jointly with others. These are set out
fully in the booklet Taking Care of Your Affairs', a guide to the
Investment and Trustee services of the Company, which is available from
your local branch.
Looking after valuables
The Bank offers the facilities of its strongrooms and safes
for the safe-keeping of deeds, share certificates and other documents of
value, as well as for locked boxes or sealed parcels containing jewellery
or other valuables.
Advice and information
Your Martins Manager is always ready to give you the benefit
of his experience in banking and financial matters. Where necessary, he can
obtain for you detailed information and written reports from the Bank's
specialist departments.
Confidential service
All dealings between Martins Bank, its subsidiaries and its
customers are conducted on a confidential basis. Details of your accounts
will not be divulged to anyone, not even a relative, without authority.


A word about Martins
Martins started as the Bank of Liverpool over 130 years ago,
but the old private Martin's Bank of London, which became part of the
present organisation in 1918, dates back to 1563. The Grasshopper symbol is
the emblem which Sir Thomas Gresham, the famous Elizabethan financier,
displayed outside his premises in Lombard Street, where Martins' principal
London Office now stands and where banking business has been conducted
without a break since the sixteenth century.
Today Martins Bank, a member of the Barclays Group, has well
over 700 branches throughout England and Wales, the Channel Islands and the
Isle of Man. At all of them you will
receive the same friendly, helpful service which we have made our byword.
Call in and have a word with the Manager of your nearest branch of Martins.
He will be delighted to meet you and to explain in more detail the services
which we offer, and how an account with Martins could help someone like

4 Water Street Liverpool, 2
Leeds 28-30 Park Row, 1
Liverpool 4 Water Street 2
London 68 Lombard Street EC3
Manchester 43 Spring Gardens, 2
Midland 98 Colmore Row, Birmingham, 3
North Eastern 22 Grey Street Newcastle upon
Tyne, 1
South Western 8 Corn Street Bristol, 1
Over 700 branches throughout the country
November 1968

Martins Bank Publications
As well as a series of leaflets which explain many of the
services described here, Martins Bank publishes annual editions of the
following guides for business people, exporters and farmers:




Starting a Business in Britain
A wealth of information about
business in this country.
The World is your Market
A guide to overseas trading.
Finance for Farmers and Growers
A comprehensive guide to the
grants and loans available from various sources, written in collaboration
with the Ministry of Agriculture.

