{“Dillon Walker & Company Limited As recorded in the Company’s Minutes from 5
September 1957, Dillon Walker was incorporated on 27 August 1957. Its
Registered Office (at incorporation) was Stevinson House, 154/156 Fenchurch
Street, London E.C.3 Barclays Minutes from 14 August 1974 record that with
efffect from 31 December 1974, Dillon Walker & Company’s name is to be
changed to Barclays Unicorn (Trustees) Limited”.} Barclays also has this
heading from a letter addressed to Dillon Walker & Co from 1957: Images © Barclays If you have any memories of Dillon
Walker and Company, and its involvement with Martins, up to the point it
becomes Barclays Unicorn Trustees, please do get in touch with us as the
usual address- martinsbankarchive@btinternet.com Fast forward… After the merger of Martins and Barclays,
Unicorn House at 252 Romford Road becomes the main office for Barclays
Unicorn. These internal images are from the early 1970s… |
Images ©
Barclays Ref 0030-3376-0001-0002-0003 |
This gallery contains the images we hold for
some of the Directors of Dillon Walker and Co