We live in cynical times, where life is lived at
an infinitely quicker pace than it was only fifty years ago. In these days of mass bank branch closures,
this might seem hard to believe - but
in 1959 banking really is looked upon as a public service, and the HARD SELL of banking ‘products’ is yet to be inflicted on customers. Bank accounts are mostly the preserve of
the well-heeled male: businessmen, judges, politicians, celebrities, but NOT, for the most part, the ordinary man or woman in
the street. So Martins begins to
target women in particular, with the idea that they will deposit the
housekeeping money given to them by their husbands, and then use a chequebook
to buy for the home. In this lovely
piece from Martins’ 1959 Annual Report And Accounts, the innocence and sheer
optimism of these times shines through as we invite you to consider opening: An Account at Martins Bank…


has a long tradition of courteous and efficient service to its customers and
embraces within that service the many aspects incorporated in modern banking
practice, together with a particular understanding for the needs of the
individual whether he is an industrialist with widespread interests, or a
private customer with a modest account. To achieve this, the Bank has its
organisation divided into Districts administered from DISTRICT HEAD OFFICES in Liverpool, London, Birmingham, Leeds,
Manchester and Newcastle upon Tyne. There is a General board of Directors in
Liverpool and Local boards are maintained also in each of the other
districts. In the Spring of this year
a further District Head Office for the South-West will be set up in Bristol.
Each District General Manager is familiar with the special problems of the
area which he covers and this specialised knowledge of local affairs and
conditions is at the disposal of the Bank's customers and correspondents, and
thus ensures promptness of decisions in financial matters.

Today, as always, much of the
Bank's business consists of holding money for customers and honouring their
cheques; during the past twenty years this service has been extended to
thousands of customers who once would never have thought of using a bank at
all. Nevertheless this service is only one side of the Bank's activities.
Allied to it is the day-to-day business of providing finance by means of
loans and overdrafts for a great variety of projects and transactions. And it
is not only to help industry and commerce that the Bank advances money; it
can be said that all sections of the community have ready access to overdraft
facilities. The private customer of quite modest means may borrow either on
overdraft, usually against approved security, or he may make use of the
Personal Loans Scheme, where normally no security is required; the latter
Scheme is intended to provide loans for a wide variety of items of personal
expenditure, a car, furniture, domestic equipment and so on.

the wider field of trade the Bank fulfils its traditional role of negotiating
and discounting bills and arranging credits for its customers and those with
whom they trade. It gives invaluable assistance to importers and exporters by
arranging for the collection of their money at home and abroad and helps them
with Exchange Control formalities. These services are provided by our special
Overseas branches at Gracechurch Street, London, and at Liverpool and
Manchester and are easily accessible through every one of the Bank's branches
throughout the country. Moreover, through its INFORMATION SERVICE and from reports on all aspects of trade
and commerce obtained from its correspondents throughout the world, the Bank
assists customers in establishing business connections and will make
introductions in Commonwealth and foreign countries.

travellers abroad, either on business or holiday, the Bank supplies foreign
currency and travellers' cheques and will also obtain passports. At home the
Bank arranges for its customers to cash their cheques anywhere in this
country where there is a bank. These are just a few of the services
which the Bank provides. There are others, perhaps less obvious, which have
grown up as the need arose. Income Tax, now payable by so large a percentage
of the population, brings its own problems and the Income Tax Department of
the Bank is available to help private customers in dealing with their

of estates and trusts requires expert attention and the Bank's specialists in
the Executor and Trustee Department will act on behalf of customers either
alone, or if preferred, with another person appointed by the customer. In
addition, customers may safeguard their valuables by depositing them with the
Bank. Moreover, in selected areas night safes are provided to enable the
customer to deposit overnight his day's takings, after the bank is closed. As
a further service, any of the Bank's branches will arrange the purchase or
sale of stocks and shares, making the financial settlement through the
customer's account. Martins
Bank is still expanding. Many new branches are appearing throughout England
and Wales. The buildings are light and airy and modern, and yet great care is
taken to ensure that they blend with the character of the locality. One
example of this careful planning is provided by the premises of our new
branch at BANBURY , which, it is said, lends distinction
to the street in which it stands as well as providing pleasant surroundings
in which all the varied business of banking can be transacted.

 Another example of the modern approach is at Leicester, where,
in an era of an ever-increasing number of cars, provision is made for a DRIVE-IN BRANCH. There the motorist
turns into a covered lane, to find a cashier summoned to the window automatically
as the car crosses an invisible ray; and then without leaving the driving
seat he may cash his cheque or pay in money for credit of his account. The
special facilities which the Bank provides at agricultural shows and other
events are a familiar sight and last year the trailer caravans, each of which
is a MOBILE MARTINS BANK could be seen at over eighty shows and
other gatherings all over the country. Especially
where personal services are involved a degree of human understanding and
individual attention is essential. Often we hear it said " Martins Bank
is such a helpful bank " and, indeed, our staffs are trained in this
tradition, working to provide a great public service.

