published in several forms, mostly for the student market. There is a co-ordinated
advertising campaign, and the main leaflet is also personalised to coincide
with the opening of the new campus and Martins Branch at LANCASTER UNIVERSITY in
The proper
management of your money
will be vital in your future career—and the help you can get from the bank now is as valuable today, when you’re probably budgeting on a shoestring
as it will be when you're making your way in the world…
There's no need to
keep large sums
of cash on you with the risk of loss or
having it burn a hole in your pocket. Your
cheque book lets you draw out just as much (or as little) cash as you need, when you need it Paying bills is easier when you pay by cheque. It's simple and quick, and it's safe as well. it's easy to deposit money— you can pay cash, cheques, postal or money orders into any branch
of Martins Bank. Regular payments can be
made automatically through your account. Items like subscriptions which are paid regularly can be dealt with by standing order. You tell the bank the details of the payments and they take care of them — although you must of course, make sure there is enough money
in your account for the payments to be made. MONEY WHEREVER YOU NEED IT A big advantage of
a bank account
is that you can arrange for money to be available wherever you need it For example, if you keep your account at the branch most convenient for you during term, you can arrange to cash cheques at a branch near your home during the vacations. When you
travel you can have Travellers' Cheques or a
Letter of Credit to make money available
wherever you may be, either at home or
abroad. The bank can also arrange to supply a certain amount of foreign
currency when you need it. SAVINGS If you are in the
fortunate position
of having some money you can put aside, a
Savings Account or a Deposit Account will, provide a safe-keeping place for it where it will also earn interest for you. ADVICE ON MONEY MATTERS Every Martins
Manager has a lot of
experience in money matters- dealing not
only with large sums but with modest amounts
as well. Indeed he is very much aware just how important proper advice and help can be to the person of limited means. Your
Manager will always be pleased to see you
and to discuss your needs and problems. Remember;
he's trained and experienced in the job—and he's a person you can make a
friend of. For example if your grant cheque is delayed there’s no need to
find yourself in difficulties when you've an account
at Martins—have a word with the Manager and
he'll tide you over. A WORD ABOUT MARTINS Martins is one of
Britain's big national
banks. With over 700 branches throughout England and Wales, you're never likely to find yourself far from one of them. And at all of them you will find that special touch of friendly helpfulness which is the hallmark of Martins. Call in and
see us. You'll find that it's no idle
boast when we say that Martins
go to extremes to be helpful