classic forties scene in which a Martins Bank Branch takes centre stage – 153
Sloane Street certainly looks the part, and undergoes some changes too. The Bank does have another branch in Sloane
Street, No 48, which leads something of a double life when it takes on the
name and the business of 32 Lowndes Street office when that branch is
destoyed by bombing in World war 2. In a moment we bid farewell to the
Manager Mr Wright who has spent twenty-eight years working at the two Sloane
Street Branches, but first some more images of Sloane Street Branch over the
years. Seen here when the stonework was still in desperate need of a good
clean, Sloane Street has only one main window to the right of the door. An
expansion of the premises will swallow up the shop next door, providing ample
room inside for a banking hall and facilities that befit a branch at an
exclusive London address. This is a necessary step if Martins Bank is to
attract lucrative high net worth customers and the quality business such
people and their connections bring. Below are images of the branch interior
from before and after the refurbishment. In many ways it is a shame to
disturb this classic interior, but there comes a time in the life of every
older branch when dark wood panels, and darker fixtures and fittings seem

In Service:
20 January 1947 until 1979

Branch Images ©
Barclays Ref: 0033/0510


The Bank’s architects are faced with the dual
responsibility of re-fitting the branch interior tastefully, but within a
reasonable budget. Below we have the
finished article, substantially more room in the customer area, a screened
corner for private interview, and the darkness is removed through the
combination of clearing the picture window, adding a large reflecting mirror,
and regularly spaced uplit ceiling lights. Sloane Street is about to say
goodbye to the man who has been at its helm for the last 28 years, the
Manager, Mr Wright – a popular man, some of whose friends travel from the
other end of the Country to say farewell. As ever, Martins Bank Magazine is
on hand to eavesdrop on the proceedings…

 At the end of the old year Mr. K. R.
Wright retired after over 46 years' service, for 28 of which he has been
Manager at Sloane Street. To mark the occasion he gave a cocktail party in
the branch on December 30th and it was attended by about 100 of his
colleagues, past and present, including five former lady members of his staff
who are now married. One had travelled
from Yorkshire and another from Cheshire. The formal part of the proceedings was introduced by Mr.
J. A. Fowler, the Assistant Manager, and a bouquet was presented to Mrs.
Wright by Miss Webster, Mr. Wright's Secretary for many years. Then Mr.
Norman-Butler, Joint General Manager, made the presentation on behalf of the
subscribers of a handsome Sheraton cabinet, and an illuminated book
containing the signatures of nearly 200 subscribers. He paid a warm tribute
to Mr. Wright's qualities as a manager and Mr. Wright responded by thanking
everyone with whom he had worked for their never failing co-operation and
help. Mr. Wright was an old Martin's man
and. joined the service in 1912 at Lombard Street. During the First World War
he served with the Northumberland Hussars and Middlesex Yeomanry, being
wounded in France in 1918. He returned to Lombard Street in 1919 and in 1928
he went to Sidcup, returning to Lombard Street in 1929 for a year before the
commencement of his long run at Lowndes Street branch, which he opened. The branch was destroyed by a bomb in 1940
and business was conducted for a time in temporary premises. Before leaving the office for the last time on Balance
night, Mr. Wright was handed a substantial cheque
which had been subscribed by his customers: this was in addition to many
handsome presents he had already received to mark the occasion. A fitting end
to a distinguished career.
