The Adelphi Bank merges with the Lancashire and Yorkshire
Bank in 1899. Seven years before this,
the original branch at Hyde is opened on the site of 38 Market Street. There follows another sixty years of
banking on the site, including the mergers that lead to the modern day
Martins Bank. By the early 1960s, with
business at the branch increasing, the original branch building becomes unfit
for purpose, and Martins decides on complete demolition and the building of larger
“future-proof” premises. The result is
yet another dystopian statement of sixties optimism in concrete and

In Service: 1892 until 29 May 2020

images © Barclays Ref 0030-1399


Image © Barclays Ref 0030-1399


Despite the costs of a large expansion into the South and East of
England in the 1960s, Martins does not completely neglect its base of
Northern branches. Many receive much
needed makeovers, and other are rebuilt or relocated. The rebuilt branch at 38 Market Street Hyde
is typical of the clean lines and minimal fuss of Martins’ 60s rebuilds. After a year or so in TEMPORARY PREMISES
at 25 Market street it re-opens in 1965, and a year later a
smaller but remarkably similar looking branch is completed at PETERBOROUGH. The
re-opening of a permanent branch at Hyde is heralded by local newspaper
advertisements (see above, right), informing customers that whilst the new
branch is now open for business, the temporary premises at 25 Market Street
is now closed.



Chequebook chic…
Bank cheques are printed in a variety of styles over the years. From the Bank of Liverpool and Martins,
with its Coat of Arms representing the City of Liverpool, to the marriage
of the Grasshopper and the Liver Bird – the longest enduring symbol of
Martins Bank’s history – the Bank’s cheques are a pictorial reminder of
much progress and achievement. For Martins, this ends in the mid to late
1960s as the computerisation of the cheque system begins to take hold on
all UK banks. This lovely example of a cheque from Hyde Branch dates from
April 1945…
(Image © Stephen Walker)

