Building for the future…

By 1967,
Martins Bank’s Branch at Victoria Road Cleveleys begins to feel - if not look
- its age. In line with the architectural thinking of
the day (seen by many now as disatrous) a new Concrete and glass Branch is
commissioned and located in the shopping area known then as The Crescent, and
today as Crescent East.

Even with traditional bricks
thrown in, in this particular photograph we can see that the building still
lacks elegance, and the concrete squares look tired, dirty and weathered

In Service 1967 until 4
June 2021

© Barclays Ref 0030-0677
It was built to last however,
and the Branch remains open into the twenty-first century, closing
permanently in June 2021 after fifty-four years in service. It is possible to glimpse a hint of
Martins’ past in the centre of Barclays’ modern-day fascia – the unmistakable
outline of the Martins Bank Coat of Arms – in our “Then and Now” feature
below. We can’t speak for Barclays’ internal layout, but the
following pictures provide a fantastic glimpse of how things looked on the
inside when Martins Bank first moved in to its brand-new Cleveleys Branch…


© Barclays Ref 0030-0677


Some things from the past can never be fully erased, and
Martins Bank’s coat of arms is, thankfully, one of those things!



© Barclays Ref 0030-0677
