Bradford has a large share of Martins Branches, some of which come from
amalgamations, and others are opened during the time of the modern day
Martins Bank. The Craven Bank, which
merges in 1906 with the Bank of Liverpool has branches at Clayton, and
Manningham Lane – the latter being referred to simply as Manningham Branch.

A somewhat unusual looking building, Manningham breaks the rule of a
typical corner site branch by having its main door in one street, and its
main windows in another! There are no
visits by Martins Bank Magazine to Manningham, but there are two retirement
write-ups which form our main feature below.
Taken together, the combined service of the two retirees - Mr
Sutcliffe and Mr Sykes – is EIGHTY-SIX YEARS! Manningham is
a sub branch before the Second World War, but in 1943 it is upgraded to full
branch status.

In Service:
19 June 1893 until 5 August 1994

Branch Images ©
Barclays Ref: 0030-1839

Images © Barclays
Ref: 0030-1839

 At the
end of August Mr. P. Q. K. Sutcliffe retired after 42 years' service in the
Bank and to mark the occasion his friends and colleagues gathered together to
present him with a wristlet watch. Mr. and Mrs. Sutcliffe subsequently
entertained the gathering to refreshments. Mr. Sutcliffe
entered the service in 1915 at Bradford. From 1916 to 1920 he served with
H.M. Forces, afterwards returning to Bradford. He was transferred to
Sheffield in 1928 and to Leeds in 1932. His first appointment came in 1936
when he became Clerk-in-Charge at Manningham branch. He was appointed
Manager there in 1943.

 over thirty past and present
members of the staff, including the District General Manager, met at an
excellent buffet tea at Manningham branch to mark Mr Sykes' retirement as
Manager. Mr W. Oldroyd (Manager,
Leeds City Office) paid his own tribute to Mr Sykes, and called upon Miss
Webster to present a bouquet to Mrs Sykes. He then welcomed Mr Lister who
thanked Mr Sykes for his excellent record of service to the Bank, making
special reference to his very happy customer and staff relationships. He referred
to the progress of the branch under Mr Sykes's management and mentioned his
personal attributes. He then presented a
cheque, the gift of over 50 colleagues throughout the District, wishing Mr
and Mrs Sykes many years of health and happiness in retirement. Mr Sykes said how much he had enjoyed his years in the Bank
and how much he valued the friendships he had made. He paid special tribute
to the devoted help of his wife which had contributed so much to his success,
and thanked all his friends for their gift with which he would buy an
automatic slide projector. Before leaving
the very enjoyable party which followed, each person signed an illuminated
scroll as a memento of the occasion. Mr
Sykes began his 44 years' service at Wyke branch in 1922. After serving at a
number of branches in the Leeds District and in H.M. Forces for four years,
he became Pro Manager at Scarborough in 1952 and Manager at Manningham in
