The earliest mention of Milnsbridge in Martins Bank’s records dates
from 1888, when it opens as a branch of the West Riding Union Bank. The progression of this branch into Martins’
ownership begins in 1902 when the West Riding Union is taken over by the
Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank. This
move consolidates the L and Y’s position in Yorkshire, giving it
comprehensive coverage of much of the county outside Leeds. In 1928 Martins inherits a second Branch at
Milnsbridge, in Yates Lane, but it is closed almost immediately. Milnsbridge is a busy branch in the 1960s,
open full banking hours including Saturday mornings. Suviving the merger with Barclays, the
branch continues in service until March 2011, when despite political pressure
in Parliament from the local MP, the doors are closed. Business is drifting away from Milnsbridge
shops and banks, and either onto the internet or into the out-of-town malls…
2011 sees a new round of bank branch closures at a time when pressure on
banks is strong from all sides. All
too often the lowly-paid staff at ordinary branches are seen as almost
indistinguishable from the risk-taking investment arms of their
organisations. At branch level, a
“banker’s bonus” is much more likely to be one extra day’s holiday after 20
years’ service than a million pounds…

In service: 1888 – 18 March 2011

Image © Barclays Ref 0030-1914