Martins Bank’s Branch at Macclesfield is one of a large number of North Western outlets
inherited from the amalgamation in January 1928 of the Bank of Liverpool and Martins,
and the Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank.
Typical of the rather grand style of bank buildings of the late
nineteenth century, Macclesfield boasts a façade of columns that would not
look out of place in ancient Rome! This rare colour image shows Macclesfield Branch floodlit
at night, and comes from the extensive collection of Branch Photos inherited
by Barclays from Martins Bank. Macclesfield plays an important role during
the Second World War, when Martins moves many of its Head Office Departments
temporarily to outlying Branches. This
is to avoid the chaos that could be caused from loss of records if Water
Street were Bombed and all departments and information had been kept in one
place. |
In Service: 1891 until 26 October
2001 Branch Images © 1964 Barclays Ref 0030-1772 |
T. E. Hopley acts
as First Cashier and John Mills is the fourth man. John Mills had some
interesting war experiences, training first of all in Phoenix, Arizona, for
flying, and in addition to seeing the wonderful scenery of the Grand Canyon
country and the Arizona desert he met a number of the film stars, including
Gracie Fields who kept open house for British Service men. Later on he had
the job, whilst in Burma, of flying Field Marshal Sir William Slim about. All
this information had to be dragged out of him and but for a hint dropped to
us by Mr. Hindley it would not have been forthcoming. We don't quite know what to say about the
girls, for we did not see two of the three who appear in the photograph. Miss
Barbara Broughton was away having her tonsils removed at the time of our
visit and Miss N. W. Brookes was away recovering from the effects of an
accident in which she had been riding a tandem bicycle and had sustained a
severe spill. Nevertheless,
we had the pleasure of meeting Miss Pearson and Mr. Thompson, of District
Office Relief Staff, who were helping out.
We also met Miss S. C. Hoyland who comes from Alderley, another
delightful spot which was very dear to us in our younger days. Then Mrs. Hindley joined us and we
repaired to the Macclesfield Arms Hotel for lunch. Consideration for our advancing years combined
with their strong sense of hospitality had impelled our friends at Spring
Gardens to send the car to bring us back to Manchester and see us safely out
of their District. It was a courtesy we very much appreciated and concluded a
visit which was pleasant in the extreme.
(1) |
(3) |
Pictures: (1) The cross roads with the moat surrounding
the town in AD 1100… (2) Town panorama with the road in the foreground,
implements of the textile industry, and silk flowing from top right to
centre… (3) Historic buildings including the parish
church, Friends’ Meeting House, and the gaol… |
(2) |
at the dawn of computerised banking… Cheques like this one begin to be issued at the end of the
1950s, once Martins Bank has successfully piloted the processing of the day’s
work of a Branch on its Pegasus II computer in Liverpool. An Impossibly large piece of equipment by
today’s standards, the memory power of Pegasus – whilst sufficient to process
the work of 30,000 accounts – would be easily eclipsed by that of a modern
day mobile phone or electronic watch.
Our thanks to Stephen Walker for making available the scan below,
left, from his extensive collection of Martins Bank memorabilia. |
By 1963, the cheques issued by the Bank’s Branches are in
the process of being re-designed for the computer age, and there follows the
first sign of the cheques we know and use today. MAGNETIC INK CHARACTER
(known as MICR) is pioneered in the 1960s by Ron Hindle, Head of Martins
Bank’s Operation Research and Development Department, and soon after, it is
brought into use by all major British banks. This example of a cheque from
Macclesfield is ready for the new system… All Change! |
In 1964 Macclesfield is refurbished to bring it into
a more modern age, and like many of the older Northern Branches, it is given
the new and distinctive Martins “look”. These photographs show the
transformation achieved. Out goes the
dark wood panelling of yesteryear, and in comes bright lighting schemes,
clean lines, and open plan work areas.
Many branches are also treated to a commissioned work from a local
artist. Some branches have ceramic
sculture, others have carvings – in Macclesfield’s case, it is the tapstries
shown above, which can also be seen in one of the images below… |
A porch is fitted to protect against the
weather, and reduce noise levels from outside the branch. Martins is very fond of lino tiles, and
these are used in most of the refurbishments and new builds that take place
in the mid to late 1960s. New ceiling
lights in various arrangements, including uplights add to the illusion of
space and help convey an air honesty and openness, and a sense that everyone
is welcome. It must have seemed like a
revolution to those used to dark and dingy banking halls and working
conditions. The lino tiling continues
in the back office, and the latest office furniture adds the final touches. |
“Martins Branch”… We are once again grateful to Stephen Walker for the
following images of cheques from his collection. The merger has taken place, and the new Barclays
Bank Macclesfield prints its cheque with a nod to the past… In 1969, and
the Barclays Spread Eagle has not yet arrived on the stationery. The Martins Grasshopper has a short lived
renaissence before moving over to make way for the familiar blue logo: |
Image © Martins Bank Archive Collections
- Stephen Walker
Image © Barclays Ref 0030-1772 |
Image © Martins Bank Archive Collections
- Stephen Walker |