Image ©
Barclays Ref 0030-1747
Our retirement feature
focusses on Mr Bews, who has clocked up a colossal forty-five years’
service in the bank by the time he takes things easy in 1962. As ever on these occasions, Martins Bank
Magazine is there to say goodbye..

October 31st., Mr. T. A. Bews (Manager, Low Fell)
retired after 45 years' service with the Bank. His career started at Newcastle City Office in 1917 and
after serving at Wingrove, Gosforth, Byker and North Shields he received
his first appointment as Clerk-in-Charge at Team Valley branch in 1938.
After military service between 1943 and 1945 he became Manager at 338, High
Street, Gateshead, in 1946.

was appointed Manager at Low Fell in 1957. On October 29th Mr. Bews was entertained to lunch at
Grey Street, when Mr. W. Weatherill, North Eastern District General
Manager, thanked him for his loyal service to the Bank and, on behalf of
the staff of District Office, wished him and his wife a long and happy

To mark his retirement Mr. Bews invited
present and former members of his staff, together with some of his friends,
to a cocktail -party at the County Hotel, Newcastle upon Tyne, during which
Mr. J. A. McNall (Low Fell) presented a cheque to him. on behalf of the
subscribers, and Miss Tarn, also of Low Fell, presented a bouquet to Mrs.

Mr. McNall referred to the
happy times at Low Fell and expressed the wishes of all present for Mr. and
Mrs. Bews' future happiness. In his
reply Mr. Bews thanked the members of his staff for their loyal service
which had contributed to the happiness of his term of office at Low Fell.

Martins Bank Archive Collections – G Wylie

March 1967 - Low Fell undergoes
Image Martins Bank Archive Collections - Advertisement
Restored 2022