The branch with two parents…
Home to a prestigious golf club, and to the even more prestigious
Bentham School, Martins Bank’s Branch at High Bentham, is one of the most
delightful in the West Riding of Yorkshire.
This side view of the bank is familiar to many of us who worked at
Bentham, as a handy pathway leads to it from a car park. In Martins’ time it would actually have
made sense to have the side of the bank as the front, by virtue of the
counter and branch layout.

Bentham will forever remind us of summer days and scenic drives across
two counties to get to work. Happy
days indeed… For the first of our Bentham features, we go back to 1951 and
the visit to the Branch of Martins Bank Magazine. Then we move forward to 1967, and the
memories of Martins Colleague Dave Baldwin who recalls for us his time there
on relief, and the complications that can go with the idea of a week’s free

Visiting Bentham was for
us almost like going home, a return to youthful haunts. We have spent many
happy days in the district camping and potholing, the latter sport being
peculiar to the limestone districts of the country where caves and
underground passages abound.

Bentham itself is situated amid the
magnificent scenery of the Pennine range just inside the West Riding of
Yorkshire, twelve miles east of Lancaster, and our branch is excellently
sited on the main street at the top of the hill leading down to the station.

It has only recently become a full
branch, having formerly been sub to Settle. Nevertheless, as a sub office of
the old Craven Bank it has served the needs of the Bank's customers for over
half a century. When first we used to visit Bentham the upper floors of the
little building served as offices, but the premises have now been re-designed
and a most attractive little house for the manager and his wife has taken the
place of the office.

In Service: 8 March 1899 until 12 July 2023

Branch Images © Barclays
Ref 0030-0159


Images © Barclays Ref 0030-0159

Thoroughly modernised, with two large bedrooms, a tiled
bathroom, large, sunny living room and kitchenette, one of the cosiest of
Bank houses has been made, and in these days of housing difficulties Mr.
Dodgson and his wife are a very fortunate couple. The only fly in the
ointment is the absence of a garden, and they are both fond of
gardening. Still, they are not town
dwellers and this is in the heart of the country and we are quite sure that
a solution to their problem will not be hard to find. The office itself is
small, but light and very cosy, quite one of the most attractive small
offices we have. Mr. Dodgson
commenced his career at Barnoldswick in 1915, returning there after service
in the First World War from 1917 to 1919. After spells at Skipton and Colne
he went to Keighley where he became Pro Manager in 1946. He was appointed Assistant Manager at
Settle in 1948 and Manager at Bentham last year. He plays golf in Settle
and Bentham and has taken up amateur dramatics since going to Bentham. Mrs. Dodgson has extended the scope of her household
duties to include the staff, and makes it her business to supply tea at the
appropriate intervals during the day, a friendly ‘family’ gesture which is
much appreciated. J. W. Parker has performed all his service at Settle
where, apart from the war years he worked from 1923 until he was posted to
Bentham last year. During the war he served in the Corps of Signals as a
cipher operator and went to the Continent with the invading armies,
finishing up on the Rhine. He served for some months in the same unit as M.
J. Downes of Head Office Inspection Department.

Parker has a son who is doing quite brilliantly at Giggleswick School, and
he hopes to win a scholarship to Cambridge before long. His daughter goes
to the school which was attended by the famous Brontë sisters.Mr. Parker is
another golfer and plays at Settle, but is hoping to be able to find a
house in Bentham before long. A. B. Pitts
is the third member of the staff, which he joined at Bingley in 1919, going
to Bentham last year. He is a keen rugby football player and a good worker
and the others will be sorry to lose him when he leaves to perform his
National Service later in the year. For
lunch we motored with Mr. and Mrs. Dodgson to Melling Hall, formerly the
home of the Darlington family, and now an attractive country hotel. The grand sweep
of the Pennine range, the winding lanes and flowering hedgerows, the little
streams running through pretty villages which would be vulgarised were they
more accessible, the upland farms and the lichened churches have much to
offer of peace and contentment to the man who makes his home among them and
is willing to make them a part of his daily life. And everywhere around, easy of access, are the silent
fells, those breezy hills of God of which the poet wrote. Among them one
feels that Time stands still and yet their very age makes one conscious of
the endless rolling-on of Time.
There is no such thing as
a free lunch BEER. (or
is there?)
 In May/June 1967
I was sent as a relief cashier to Bentham for a week and stayed at 'The Black
Bull' (diagonally opposite the branch) and on the Tuesday and Friday, was
sent to Ingleton (the branch in the image). Not many customers though. I
could have quite-easily commuted by train from Keighley but was told that I
had to stay and that my willingness and experience 'would be good for my career'. Was it? I don't think so but I
enjoyed a different walk every evening
after sitting in the pub reading on my first night. On Tuesday, I walked down
the back road to Wennington and back up the main road; Wednesday it was
Clapham on the back road returning by the main road and on Thursday it was
Ingleton via Burton in-Lonsdale and returning via a more-direct route. Good
job it was a decent week weather-wise. Then back home on the train on Friday.
Shuttleworth (left) was the first cashier and Frank Alston (right) the
Manager. We still had to 'hand-post' the current account ledgers (quite an
experience as Keighley was mechanised) and on Thursday we couldn't balance
the weekly return. Before I left,
Deryk Ingham (Assistant Manager at Keighley) told me that it was acceptable
for me to buy a pint of beer each evening and charge it to my expenses claim,
which I did, along with the 2/6 lunch and 6d for a cup of tea which I had at the farmer's cafe above the
railway station. On the Friday, I duly
cashed my expenses claim but, later, was called into Frank Alston's office and given the 'third degree': 'We
don't pay for alcohol Mr Baldwin', I
was told, so my claim was reduced by 4 x 1/6d (6/-) and I was made to repay
the amount. On my return to Keighley, Deryk Ingham asked how things had been
but I didn't mention my 'entertainment' until he pressed me ('and did you
claim for a pint each evening David? he asked) to which I replied that I had
but that it had not been permitted. 'Who said that it was not permitted' was
the response? 'Mr Alston'. Shortly afterwards Deryk Ingham came out of his
office with 6/- in his hand and gave it to me after he had (apparently)
spoken with Frank Alston and then claimed the amount from Bentham branch.
Deryk Ingham, who interviewed me when I first applied for a job with Martins, was one of the best managers for
whom I ever worked and his knowledge
and ability was exceptional. He was a 'typical' 'real' 'Martins Man' who died before his time.

I have very
pleasant memories of working at Bentham for Barclays in the 1990s, and
despite the town being so close to the Lancashire border, when you visit
Bentham, you definitely know you are in Yorkshire. No namby pamby new fangled
sandwich shops, the branch is conveniently situated next door to a pub. This
is a dual convenience, as the bank is no distance at all to pay in the pub
takings, and on late nights and tricky balance days at the bank, the pub is
handy for liquid refreshment – a peaceful, and mutually beneficial
Editor, 2013.
