In our “then and now”
feature, you will see that during Barclays’ tenure of the building, the
lovely ivy is no more. What’s more, the large meat processing factory seen
behind the building in 1961 is also (thankfully) gone. First, we will journey back to 1968,
when Calne’s popular Clerk in Charge, Val Scott retires. As usual, Martins Bank Magazine is there
to mark the occasion…

at the end of February Val
Scott retired after 42 years With the Bank, twenty-three of which, apart
from his service with H.M. Forces, were spent in Northern District. He went
to Bristol in 1949, being appointed Pro Manager there in 1958, and four
years later he became Clerk-in-Charge at Calne, a town in which he was a very popular figure.

the eve of his departure Mr and Mrs Scott entertained at their home nearly
forty people, colleagues and their wives—a reflection of Mr Scott's popularity within the Bank in view
of the remote position of Calne.
Many more, too far away, wrote to express regret at being unable to
come. During the
course of an enjoyable evening a nest of tables was presented by Mr
Clarkson, who expressed the good wishes of those present.

Image © Barclays Ref 0030-0509


Whilst Calne was originally run as a self accounting sub
branch to Martins Bank 42 Milsom Street Bath, it did gain full branch
status at the time of the merger with Barclays in 1969. In the Twenty-first
Century, the ever changing state of the British High Street, means that
Calne Branch served its last customer on Friday 4 October 2013, and our
friends at Barclays have advised us that the business transferred to their
branch at 66 Market Place Chippenham.
We would like to thank everyone involved in running Calne over its
fifty-one year history, and making it one of the oldest Branches in Martins
Bank’s youngest District – South Western. We do hope this handsome building
will be put to good use by its new owners.

Branch Images © Barclays Ref 0030/0509

Image ©
Martins Bank Archive Collections – G Wylie