We have
searched in vain for photographic evidence of the Martins Bank branch at
Heaton moor Top. An image would be
fabulous, but no-one seems to have one.
We can’t even ask someone to provide us with a contemporary photo, as
the original building was replaced some years ago by a modern development.
Your memories of working there or of being a customer there, would be
great. All that currently remains is
evidence of the Branch at either end of its existence – the opening covered
here in a 1935 uncredited news article held by Barclays, details of the
branch in the Annual Report and Accounts for 1935 as shown above, and a final
entry in Martins Green Book for 1968, providing address phone number and
opening times. We also have the following short extract adapted from Martins
Bank Magazine’s visit to the main branch at Heaton Chapel in 1951, wherein
Heaton Moor Top is described as “somewhere you wouldn’t want to stay too

Don’t stay there too long…

are two sub-Branches to Heaton Chapel – at Heaton Mersey and at Moor Top. The
latter is staffed by one man and a guard and the number of transactions
handled is not large. It is purely a receiving office and it is quite easy to
understand the desire of anyone in charge not to be left there too long. F. Marshall, who
commenced his service in 1940, has been at Moor Top since 1949, and has
previously been at New Mills, Buxton and Stockport. During the war he served
with the R.A.F. from 1942 to 1947, latterly in Germany.
