A snowy day at
Hazel Grove, and as this particular sub-Branch has been opened in 1965,
before the liver bird is removed altogether from Martins’ branding, it
proudly bears the full Martins Coat of Arms on its outside wall. Hazel Grove
is a self accounting sub to Stockport, and enjoys full banking hours six days
a week, along with the added responsibility for processing all the work that
comes in over the counter. In 1968 Mr
M F Phillips is appointed Clerk in Charge with Limited Repsonsibility.

In Service: 28 June 1965 until 30 June 1977

© Barclays Ref 0030-0264


This entitles him to run the
branch, refering only to the parent branch for complex or difficult requests
from customers. Sadly, as his image is not published by the Bank, we cannot
bring you a staff gallery below. We also currently have no details of who was
in charge of the Branch between 1965 and 1968. As ever, if you can help with images or
information concerning this or any Martins Branch, please do get in touch
with us at the usual address - gutinfo@btinternet.com. When
Barclays and Martins are merged at the end of 1969, Hazel Grove is kept on as
a Branch of Barclays, but it is downgraded from self accounting to basic
sub-Branch and remains open until 1977, having a total life as a Bank of just
twelve years.
