In this photograph,
Martins Bank’s Branch at Lanchester looks a bit like a public convenience,
and whilst the branch today is still in Front Street, it has been relocated
to No 13. This is another example of a branch of the North Eastern Banking
Company to have survived into the twenty-first century. Our feature concerns
Mr G Tomlinson, who retires from the Bank in 1947 after being Manager at
Lanchester for 27 years – these are the days when banking is certainly a job
for life, for those who don’t fall prey to illness as so many of Martins
Bank’s Managers do. it says much for Mr Tomlinson’s style of Management that
even his customers club together to donate a large sum of money to his

In Service: 14 March 1895 until
Friday 23 October 2015

Image © Barclays Ref 0030/1542

September 30th, Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson were entertained to tea on the
occasion of Mr. Tomlinson's retirement from the bank after serving 27 years
as Manager of Lanchester branch. At the
conclusion of tea, Mr. S. L. Nicholson made the presentation of an initialled
fitted toilet case on behalf of past and present members of the staff. A
special gift of flowers to Mrs. Tomlinson was presented by Mrs. Jennings,
wife of the new manager. A striking tribute
to Mr. Tomlinson’s work was paid by the customers of his branch, who
organised a fund for a special presentation to him, the sum realised being in
the region of £100. Mr. Tomlinson came into the bank in 1908 after five
years’ experience in the Tow Law Auction Mart. He served at Darlington,
Bishop Auckland, Spennymoor, West Hartlepool, and Byker before being
appointed Manager of Lanchester in 1920. He served during the first World War
with the colours from 1917 to 1919.
