The Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank has a branch coverage
of Manchester that is broadly similar to that enjoyed by the Bank of Liverpool in Liverpool within its own environs. So, when the two banks eventually
come together to create Martins Bank Limited, they outnumber the opposition
in these cities with more than one hundred offices in total.

This is almost saturation coverage, and in
Manchester, FOUR branches of the new Bank are situated on Stockport Road alone: Ardwick No 10, Longsight No 238, Slade Lane No 748, and Levenshulme at No 876. Our feature comes from 1967, when another Manager with well over
forty years’ service is about to retire.
Howarth, it seems has some eccentricities, but has over the
years been also extremely useful to have around…

In Service: Pre 1922 until 5
February 1982

Image © Barclays Ref: 0030-0056

What some managers do
with their nuts…

 with the retirement of one of
Manchester District's most able and popular managers, the occasional peanut
which Bill Howarth flicked into the air but failed to trap will no longer be
retrieved later from the carpet by a puzzled cleaner at Ardwick branch. Among
the large gathering at the office on May 31 were Mr N. E. Foster, Mr A. N.
Barratt and many friends from both sides of the counter who had subscribed to
a presentation cheque to be used for built-in wardrobes in Mr Howarth's home.
His career covering 44 years is best described by himself thus: Joined the Lancashire & Yorkshire Bank at Stockport
in 1923. Insisted on drawing his first month's salary of £4 in gold and was promptly transferred to the
then rural sub branch of Bramhall where he rusticated happily for many
years. An inadvertent visit to
Manchester District Office brought a transfer to Cheetham branch which was
followed by one to Manchester District Office which had been evacuated to
Macclesfield. Joined the Army in 1941 and by volunteering for the Indian Army
skilfully avoided blackouts, rationing of beer and food, women in trousers
and other horrors of war. Rehabilitated at
Manchester Foreign branch where he repaired the electric sealing-wax boiler.
The fire was easily extinguished. Then to Deansgate branch but it was soon
found that he had a valid passport and a knowledge of Eastern customs so
inevitably he was put in charge of Moss Side branch, where he quickly became
familiar with the intricacies of the local sub-currencies, petrol and
clothing coupons. In the next nine years the business thrived and in 1956 he
became Manager at Ardwick, retiring after saying his farewells to the management
at lunches at Head Office and Manchester District Office. In retirement he
will continue his hobby, the pursuit of idleness.
