can find it just off Park Lane, and looking at this lovely atmospheric image
of Martins Bank’s Curzon Street Branch it seems all the more outrageous that today,
this address is registered to a betting shop!
In the swinging sixties, the pirate radio station “Wonderful Radio
London” had its offices nearby at No 17 Curzon Street. We had wondered how
many DJs and pop stars of the day might have used the branch to cash a
cheque, and then Pearl Hayes (nee Hurley) who worked at Curzon Street
recalled for us a certain Kenny Everett, who would burst into the branch
ready to cash his wages cheque from “Won-der-ful Ra-dio Lon-don”!

In Service: 1935 until 26 March

Image © Barclays Ref

(This was of course before the
advent of the UK having its own national popular music radio station). You
can read elsewhere in the Online Archive, about Curzon Street Branch and
its connection with “Ladies of the night” as featured in MICH’s MEMORIES, the exploits of Martins Bank employee Richard Michaud.Below we have
two retirement stories for you, Mr King hangs up his suit and tie after 44
years in 1962, then in 1969 Mr Carpenter does the same after 43 years. In
true “Paul Temple” fashion, each manager is bade farewell at a “cocktail
party” – these were apparently de
rigeur throughout the 1950s and even the swinging sixties!

come and go…

 At the end of April Mr. G.
A. King retired after 44 years' service and at a cocktail party held at
Curzon Street branch Mr. and Mrs. King welcomed over sixty friends and
colleagues. Mr. D. C.
Bardsley, London District General Manager, and Mr. F. C. Hardman, Assistant
District Manager, were present and Mr. Bardsley expressed his thanks and
those of the General Management for Mr. King's loyal and efficient service
and wished him a long and happy retirement. The
presentation of a cheque and book containing the signatures of the
subscribers was made by Mr. Furniss, Pro Manager of the branch, who
referred to the affection and esteem in which Mr. King had been held by
colleagues and customers alike. He said that those colleagues who had
served under him would always remember his kindly understanding and
tolerance in the daily tensions and events of business life. Mr. King's secretary, Miss B. M. Roberts, then
presented Mrs. King with a bouquet.


Image © Martins
Bank Archive Collections – Geoff Taylor

Mr. King in his reply,
paid tribute to the kindly assistance he had always received from the
General Management and the District Office staff and said that he was
leaving the Bank after a most interesting and happy career. He concluded by
thanking the members of the staff, both past and present, for their loyal
assistance during his sixteen years as Manager of the branch. We subsequently learned that Mr. King had decided to
use his cheque for the purchase of a dinner service and, to remind him of
all his Continental holidays, a copy Canaletto of a scene on the Grand
Canal at Venice. Mr. King entered the Bank in 1918 at Blundellsands,
subsequently serving at Charing Cross, Higher Tranmere, in the Produce
Department at Water Street, Ellesmere Port, on Relief, Birkenhead and in
Inspection Department before his first appointment as Pro Manager at
Bristol in 1938. He became Pro Manager at Fenchurch Street in 1943 and
Acting Manager at Curzon Street in 1946, being appointed Manager there
later the same year.

A cocktail party held at Curzon Street Branch at the end of December
marked Mr Carpenter’s retirement as Manager after 43 years’ service, all
spent in London District, apart from four years with H M Forces.

Following his appointment as Pro Manager at Tothill Street in 1948
he became Manager at Garrick Street in 1935 and at Curzon Street seven
years later. A large number of
colleagues past and present witnessed the presentation by Mr W E Turnbull
of a cheque and a book containing the signatures of many friends. Mr Carpenter, who was accompanied by his
wife, son and daughter-in-law, enlivened his reply with anecdotes of his
years in the bank.

Image © Barclays
Ref 0033/0173

sign of the times (in its place)…
We were
delighted to be able to match an item from our Archive to a photograph of
it “in situ”. We were contacted by
Julia Lund, who sent this photograph of her relative Mr C K Lund (left),
standing outside Martins Bank’s Curzon Street Branch with two other members
of the staff who we are yet to identify. The sign and the picture can both be
traced to 1953, which is when Mr Lund moved there from London Agency
Section. He completed his National Service 1950-1952, spending one year at
Agency Section upon his return to the bank.

Image © Martins Bank Archive Collections -
Julia Lund

“The Curzon Street Society”…

lovely and atmospheric cutting is held by the Archive, and comes from a
feature article about Curzon Street published on 11 February 1950 in “The
Sphere” - part of the London Illustrated News. Looking every inch the part,
Curzon Street reminds us of so many of the London backdrops used in the
many British “B” feature films churned out for the consumption of the 1950s
cinema-goers. You can just imagine a robbery with a fast car being pursued
by the police, with more than a touch of London’s grime and smog adding to
the scene! The article concerns
itself with the formation of “The Curzon Street Society” by Lord Howe, and
lists people from fact AND fiction who have had a connection in some way or other with Curzon

Image Martins Bank Archive Collections - © London
Illustrated News 11 February 1950

