Adelphi Bank opens a branch at 323 Chester Road in 1891 and eight years later
merges with the Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank. The Adelphi Bank opened several Manchester Branches, all of which will
find their way into the portfolio of Martins Bank. In 1957 Martins Bank
closes the Branch and moves over the road to Nos 248-250 Chester Road, seen
here in the 1960s. This is likely to have been due to the old building having
little or no room for expansion.

A large network of Manchester Branches comes Martins’ way
through the mergers and amalgamations that lead to the creation of the
modern-day Martins Bank in 1928. By
1967 plans are well underway to build the Mancunian Way, an arterial road
that will cut through the city from one side to the other.

In its wake there are many casualties, some of them Martins
Bank’s Branches, several of which are served with compulsary purchase
orders. Mostly in run down areas, all
have seen better days. Martins Bank
Magazine decides to visit them on a “whistlestop tour” in the Summer of 1967. Just over three years later, Cornbrook will
be closed…

In Service: 1957 until 16
October 1970

Image © Barclays Ref:


called at Cornbrook branch where in a bright if cramped little office
opposite the Hope Inn, banking life goes cheerfully on. The first floor is fully utilised for storage
and includes the staff/machine room, but on the top floor a truly original
relic in the shape of a gigantic iron bath provides the secret for eventual
demolition. By taking a few bricks out of the back of the building at
ground level the weight of that bath to be enough to flatten the property.


Image ©
Barclays Ref: 0030-0715

we were reminded of the Duke of Edinburgh’s words when he was installed ten
days earlier as the first chancellor of Salford University: “No one can
deny the right of Northerners to make fun of themselves, but there is no
need to take that fun seriously.

© BT 1956

© BT 1964

all their idiosyncrasies there is a strength of character, a sense of
purpose and an enterprise that runs through the whole long history of this
part of England”. If one adds warmth
and friendliness, that provides the ideal summing up for our branch staff.
