achievement of getting on so well in male dominated profession is however
slightly dumbed down at the start of the piece, by an unnecessary reference
to her looks…

is ‘second man’ at the bank

{Newly arrived in Bristol is attractive Miss Eileen
Muckle, who has a particular distinction in the banking world. Martins Bank Limited have only two Trust
Controllers throughout their organisation, and Miss Muckle is one of
them. The other is Miss Margaret
Perks, with whom she has worked in the London City Trustee Department for
three years. Both were promoted at the
same time, Miss Perks staying on at London, and Miss Muckle coming to the
Bristol Office of Martins Executor and Trustee Department. “It means I am the Second Man, or Assistant
Manager”, she explained.} {She
graduated from Durham University with a law degree, and was committee member
of the Tyneside Ulster Association. She was also a founder member and
Secretary of the North of England Medico-Legal Society.}

Image and Text © Daily Sketch and
successors, July 1967
Examination Success…
In the examinations following the 1968 Gilbart Lectures on
Banking, Miss E B Goulstine LL.B (London (City) Trustee) achieved a Class I
Certificate of Honour.
